Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Enterprise Viewpoint


The rapidly rising competitive bar driven by AI systems

When we first approached senior executives about the benefits of our work in AI systems more than a decade ago, we were limited by...

Rufus Pollock, Andrew Keen, Victor Pineda and Muhammad Yunus, keynotes at Smart City Expo World Congress

 Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC), the leading international event for cities will host on 2018 its eighth edition under the theme Cities To...

Lessons from Alphabet’s CFO Ruth Porat

Fortune’s Most Powerful Women summit got under way in Laguna Niguel, Calif., last night with Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat doing the opening interview. Porat...

IoT Solutions World Congress will focus on the role of Women with the Women Leadership in IoT panel

Whenever the gender gap in the technology industry is analyzed, everyone admits that there is a significant difference in the number of women working...

The (yet) illusive promise of predictive, real-time, omni-channel marketing in pharma

The promise of predictive, real time, omni-channel marketing has been around for years, yet most - even sophisticated - pharma/biotech companies have not been...

Curing Disease In Utero

Gene therapy treats genetic disease at the molecular level by correcting, editing or otherwise manipulating defective genes.  Gene therapy depends on a corrected gene...

A system to save Beluga whales, the fire truck of the future and the latest IoT innovations at IOTSWC 2018

A smart platform to control water quality in Alaska and save Beluga whales, smart home gate capable of opening at the owner’s arrival or...

Big Paper Becomes Big Data

How to get rid of huge amounts of paperwork on industrial construction sites? For site managers this is one of the most important questions...

A New Delivery Model

Healthcare is a constant conversation in the American press.  The cost of providing healthcare has continually risen every year despite government interventions.  The quality...

Using InsurTech partnerships as pillar of your (digital) strategy

“Tech is always a bottleneck when it comes to implementing our strategies” “Startups are disrupters trying to eat our cake” “Digital is just another distribution channel” Sound...

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