There is no running away from the fact that we live in an era which is indisputably dominated by technology. Countless breakthroughs are notched up every single day in the skyscrapers that, more or less, control our lives. Amidst these big number of breakthroughs, hidden somewhere, rested the concept of telematics. Even though the idea of it was conceived long ago, telematics stood far from optimizing its potential. There was no such projection for the things to change, but then CANGO arrived at the scene. It wasn’t an unexpected move, at least not for people who shared a close association with CANGO. The company had been pretty vocal about its view of telematics as a pure service. Their ideology, a bit radical for that phase, cried for some substantive backing. It was time to prepare for a massive transition.

CANGO got the ball rolling as they proposed their first change by bringing the spotlight from the total cost of ownership to a more value-oriented approach. “In the automotive industry, if we talk about small passenger cars or big fleet of trucks, the main aspect of the discussion is the value gained by using each type of vehicle. Mirroring this into services area the focus is similar and it is moving from TCO (total cost of ownership) to value created.” Explains Bianca Barbu, CMO of CANGO. This was a significant change, and an unprecedented one. CANGO simply wanted to introduce a more effective way to assess the value of an asset. Once they had laid the foundations, the company started rolling out customized CAN-related solutions which were majorly focused on helping the supplier get a comprehensive analysis of his product. This turned a few heads. CANGO was treading a territory never explored before. Their attempt at turning telematics into out-and-out service was fetching rewards already. CANGO was bringing a revolution. They set a platform that looked perfect for the entire industry to heave itself up on to the next level.

“Our CAN-related services empower any telematics supplier to read any vehicle’s data in any industry,” claims Bianca Barbu, CEO of CANGO.

The CAN-related services for Android run in the background of any 3rd party telematics device without any user interaction or interface, except the one for configuring it. The service runs with a higher priority than inactive or invisible activities and therefore it is less likely that the Android system terminates them for resource management”. This allows customers to easily upgrade when they require an additional service without the need of adding separate hardware.CANGO’s approach wasn’t only about enhancing the analysis report of a product. The other big measure the company took was to streamline the cost model. This further bolstered their value-oriented philosophy. With the expenses reduced, all of a sudden, you could have a bigger bite from the profit pie. This bite was well on course to become even bigger now that CANGO’s clean and concrete foundations promised an immense growth in the customer base. The success CANGO amassed financially and in other areas silenced the voice of doubt. The first part of the transition couldn’t have panned out better.

Bianca Barbu acknowledged the early waft of change with a thoughtful remark.‘Actually, we are the change that we want to see in this world,’ she had said. Although it looked they just arrived and stitched all this glory right away, CANGO’s success was rooted in a dodgy situation, years ago, when the chief executive at CANGO, Mr. Puiu Dumitru, found out that they didn’t have the fitting solution for a massive project. Instead of exploring simpler options like outsourcing, the company set off to create an apt solution. They didn’t rope in any financial investment to fund the process. ‘If you can dream of it, you can create it’ was how Bianca Barbu phrased their CEO’s mindset during this particular situation which would go on to become a pivotal moment in CANGO’s journey. The newly-tailored solution turned out to be a big success, and soon CANGO solidified the trust it had from its customers.

While that moment of courage spun the fate of CANGO and brought them to new heights, they didn’t just stop there. They continued to reinvest in their research programs to devise a system that allows them to create customized solutions for their clientele within the budgetary parameters. Something else that CANGO unstintingly worked on was to make their operation model a lot more relaxed. A relaxed process would mean that CANGO was now in the position to actually integrate their customers’ personal suggestions without sacrificing the essential framework, an ability they gained by years of experience of working with clients across the globe. CANGO understands that the requirements of each client would be different. Thus, listening to their clients and keeping them very much involved throughout the development became the USP of CANGO. The company’s enormous strides in the telematics industry further persuaded them to scale up their labs by acquiring the most advanced tools available for the procedure. Nevertheless, despite having an up-to-date setup at their disposal, the CMO of CANGO, Bianca Barbu, insists that what sets them apart in this aspect is something else, something rather traditional.

They bank heavily on the experience they gathered during the course of the last many years. CANGO believes that this hands-on manner of doing things adds a novel touch to their proceedings in the lab, a move not yet matched by their close competitors in the industry. “CANGO Labs is actually CANGO people” As in words of Bianca.

CANGO had to go past a fair amount of challenges in their pursuit of the peak. Their ground-breaking ideas demanded more articulate representation while discussing them with OEM organizations. They treaded that extra yard and secured the belief of their partners. Nonetheless, the challenges were never going to stop just there. After instigating a historical transition in the industry, CANGO always carries an added pressure of doing things differently. Of course, that creativity is expected from them without the betrayal of the simplistic approach. One of the many reasons behind their success was their bid to simplify the methods that rest in the very core of the telematics industry. They did so by putting an all-encompassing structure out there which was programmed to handle all sorts of projects in an equally seamless manner. Regardless of the size, type, or any other difference in an assignment, the structure would carry out the necessary course of action with the similar aim of creating solutions with maximized efficiency. The lack of discrimination in the size of the projects bestowed light on CANGO’s values. Bianca Barbu explains that it’s not because of their social obligations as an established organization, but largely because a company must respect their individualistic principles and their own values before they could respect their customers.

When asked about their key offering to their clientele, Bianca’s replied “Because we have developed and deployed projects in different parts of the world for some many industries and verticals we can say that we customized our product for our clients. Even if we sell the solution to some Telematics Supplier Provider, the needs and requirements are so different from a place to another, from a customer to another and so on.”

While in the overall scheme of the things CANGO’s impact has been extraordinary, there were few specific occasions when their work sent ripples of amazement across the globe. They dispatched a solution to the United Kingdom which was designed to evaluate the driver’s behavioral patterns and monitor MIL and DTC codes remotely. A car-sharing solution that emerged from CANGO’s pipeline also heaped words of appreciation from the masses. It was big because of how expediently the company had made its solution suitable for vehicles that were not even in their portfolio before that project.

CANGO has a stacked line-up of revolutionary products. Here we dive into some of them.

1) CANbus: CANGO CANbus’ offerings go beyond the usual service of just streaming the vehicle data. With the help of special algorithms, it carries out processing and organization of the data within the device to make the information more insightful yet simplified. The procedure is supported by the unique capability of CANGO’s vehicle gateway which is also recognized as the best in the European market by Frost & Sullivan.

2)CANGO Click: CANGO click eliminates the need for a wire to wire connection. This, in turn, ensures that no intrusive signals are directed towards the CANbus, eventually enhancing the security of the system as a whole.

3)Lucas: A Driver Performance Assistant solution, Lucas is focused on creating a better, safer, and more financially feasible driving experience. It does so by providing real-time feedback through artificial intelligence.

Many elements of the telematics industry have gone under complete makeover as a result of CANGO reinventing the wheel. One such element has to be the change in the relevance of price. As mentioned earlier, the first step CANGO took was to introduce an ideology that fed on the value gained rather than the cost expended. As a consequence, the value offered by a solution became a bigger factor than its price during the negotiations. CANGO made sure that the takeaway from their solutions is great, and safe to say, they succeeded in doing that. Great things are destined to hit the pinnacle, and that was proved to be true yet again when Frost & Sullivan honored CANGO with a Customer Value Leadership Award. Frost &Sullivan even went on to say that CANGO provides double the value of their price. They do so with a blend of resourcefulness and dedicated post-purchase support.

For the future, CANGO plans to construct an even higher ceiling for the telematics industry. They are confident that telematics has the potential to be at the crux of another technological revolution. Bianca Barbu summed their vision when she said ‘Every day we get better and every day we prove that when we have something in mind, we can do it.’


CANGO Hard & Soft SRL

CEO – Puiu Dumitru , CMO- Bianca Barbu


CANGO has helped some of the world’s biggest logistic and transport providers to build a platform to streamline, analyze and act upon their vehicle data.