Securing IoT with the power of Block chain

The industry was buzzing with the hype around IoT over the last few years. Investors’ mailboxes were swarming with pitches for Automated, interconnected, and smart ‘things.’ Although the excitement hasn’t completely diminished, it is somewhat curbed by high deployment failure rates and the myriad security threats. Gartner has predicted nearly 70% of all IoT projects will at least take twice of the planned time to implement. However, Despite the security risks and the high deployment failure rates, there is no turning back now. Millions of smart devices ranging from wearables to refrigerators are getting connected through the internet every day. We are not far from the days where machines will be ‘paying’ each other without human intervention. The number hackers and criminals who are trying to exploit this system are also increasing. Security, privacy, and identity protection remain as the main challenges that we must tackle today. Enter blockchain, blockchain provide strong distributed and embedded system that works with protocols and models to share the data.  “Without a secure and smart system such as blockchain the smart devices become threatening “warns Andy Choudhuri, founder and director of White Code Labs, a company that works to secure IoT space with latest technologies such as Blockchain, AI, and Machine Learning.

A company built on passion

After graduating from Penn State University in software engineering, Andy moved to Los Angeles. He was passionate to learn more and share his knowledge with other young companies. At the time he was working with one of his own project called Pinster while also providing consulting for corporate companies and young businesses. Pinster was a privacy and location sharing app. It was through Pinster that Andy first stepped into the world of security and privacy. He later developed another security app Emily which allows users to lock and unlock their application remotely. Through these apps, Andy realized that the best way to learn is to do it hands on, and soon White Code Labs was born. White Code Labs’s mission is to make technology an asset for businesses. Hence their offering is not limited a particular technology or solution, but instead, they seamlessly integrate various technology such as IoT, Blockchain, Saas into one platform so that the businesses can grow uninterrupted. White Code Labs is built with a team of engineers with deep understanding and passion for the latest technologies.  But Andy reiterates it’s not that their technical capabilities that differentiate them from the pack. “The most important thing about us is that we want to get into spaces and industries where there is not much development happening, where no one wants to enter, and offer them truly unique solutions.” Andy points out that most of the solution providers in the industry simply uses proven technologies and build solutions on top of it. They don’t want to venture into unknown/non-proven technologies such as blockchain because the development is both expensive and time-consuming.  “our value proposition is that we offer solutions that others may consider un-proven but are very important for businesses today.”

Fighting fraud and Identity theft

Andy’s deep understanding of technology such as blockchain and cryptocurrency has allowed the company to develop solutions that can effectively be deployed in industries such as banks, government organizations, and healthcare. Banks and other financial institution have already started to adopt into blockchain technology. Andy believes that they have not tapped into the full potential of the technology. They may be using the blockchain elements in areas such as money remittance or wire transfer, but the aspect of security is often dangerously neglected. White code labs are focused on using blockchain to develop robust solutions that help banks to fight identity theft and cyber fraud. It’s not difficult for hackers to find out what technology is used in a system, and once the figured it out, then they can easily break into the system using a simple trial and error method. White Code Lab’s solutions use blockchain protocols to block the entire activity of hackers. “With blockchain, once the system understands the nature of the threat it’s get recorded in the ‘block’ and will effectively stop any similar activities” explains Andy. When talking about identity theft or fraud protection people immediately think about banking and financial institutions, but according to Andy, the scope is much bigger. “Government, public sector, tourism, travel…these solutions will be used in every industry,” says Andy.  The company also offers an array of services such as smart contract development and audits, private blockchain and cryptocurrency exchange development, and digital wallet development.

Diving Deeper into Blockchain-Enabled Security

White Code Labs’ R&D is heavily centered around software-enabled applications that support cybersecurity, identity protection, and privacy. Andy wants his team to continue learning, and explore ways to use blockchain technology to build compelling solutions that don’t yet exist on a wide scale. However, this takes significant time and energy, a truth that Andy acknowledges openly. As blockchain technology grows in sophistication, so do the hacking attempts that can compromise the functionality of all interconnected IoT devices. Before releasing a new products and solution to the market, White Code Labs ensures that they are equipped with blockchain-enabled protocols that can identify and block any malicious activity. As more and more IoT sensors are launched, the need for secure and standardized transactions between devices will continue to grow. Andy believes there is still a lot of opportunities to use blockchain technology to secure the internet space. White Code Labs will continue to dive deeper into cybersecurity and ways in which it can be enhanced in every segment

More Cybersecurity, Product Integration, and AI

Andy doesn’t believe stand-alone solutions can meet the security demands of the modern day. White Code Labs is working towards a future in where all of its products are offered as one integrated ecosystem. In addition to launching a digital wallet, the company will also continue investing in its live-video streaming platform, Stream41. Built using blockchain technology, Stream41 is a fully decentralized network that enables anyone to monetize their videos online. Additionally, White Code Labs is also developing products within the online gaming, online music, and forecasting segments.

Beyond its existing focus areas, Andy also anticipates that his team will begin exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning in more depth given their potential to automate existing manual processes and transform operations. However, he recognizes that the successful application of innovation in these fields takes time and requires careful deployment. “We want to offer one in-depth experience to clients” concluded Andy.


White Code Labs

CEO-  Andy Coudhiri


The company offers a fine assortment of services that are tailor maid for your business