Era Software: Manage Observability Data in Real Time

Amid a perfect storm – data volumes growing and the costs of software and existing tools skyrocketing – organizations today require modern architecture to handle observability data management. Compounding the problem is tool sprawl proliferation. Observability helps organizations get deep insights by analyzing massive amounts of data. Observability data management helps businesses eliminate complexity and realize data value easier and faster. For example, log data is of high value to organizations because logs store critical information that can be used in root-cause analysis, forensics investigations, and audit trails.

Even the most popular solutions on the market have huge downsides, including not being built for scale and being challenging to manage. Collecting this data to drive predictive patterns brings considerable value potential. Observability tools should provide end-to-end visibility, real-time ingestion, data querying, and deliver actionable insights.

Era Software—a company that helps modern IT and security organizations eliminate operational complexity and innovate faster with unified access to observability data—is creating a difference. “We recognized the need for a highly scalable and cost-efficient log management platform. We help you add value to the observability data stream and handle the complexities of tool proliferation,” explains Todd Persen, Founder and CEO, Era Software.

The Era Software team combines database engineering expertise with cloud-native, zero-schema design to provide high-scale, low-cost observability solutions for the modern era. The first complex problem that Era Software is solving is enterprise-grade log management. This is an important and vexing issue because companies are struggling with the exponential growth in cost and complexity of standard log management tools available – significantly when scaling to petabytes and beyond. The team helps customers effortlessly collect, store, and explore observability data at any scale and any level of complexity.

An innovative offering from Era Software, EraSearch, is built from the ground up to ingest, index, and store logs while utilizing the best properties of a cloud-native architecture. With EraSearch, users now realize transformation efficiency, performance, and operational simplicity for log management.

While EraSearch allows you to finally run log management without the exponential rise in hardware costs, operational complexity, and performance pitfalls of other tools available today, EraCloud—the company’s SaaS-based offering that includes the EraSearch observability and analytics platform optimized for real-time, low-cost log management— helps move from logs to insights in seconds. This gives a one-stop solution for all logging needs without operational complexity while eliminating ingest delays, backpressure, and queuing. And data is immediately available for searching. “With EraSearch’s Kubernetes-based architecture, we help customers focus on scaling their cloud service without exponential costs or performance impact,” adds Persen.

EraCloudhelps organizations take advantage of the power of EraSearch without the need to host and manage it. In addition to EraSearch, EraCloud features administrative functions to help move from logs to insights in seconds. With EraCloud, provisioning EraSearch clusters, understanding billing, and managing log data is quick and seamless. “Our vision for EraCloud is to provide your organization with a one-stop solution for all logging needs without operational complexity. We aim to relieve IT teams of operational burden and to empower them to focus on contributing to their core business,” says Persen.

What makes Era Software stand out from the crowd is the company’s commitment to delivering affordable and easy-to-use solutions. The team has solved the complex problems of ingesting, storing, and querying data at a large scale. With the EraSearch observability and analytics platform, organizations can get low-cost and real-time log management that DevOps, SRE, platform engineering, and IT Operations teams can use. These teams gain real-time visibility into all log data across vast data sources, including applications and infrastructure. “We’re offering one free Terabyte of log data credits. You can also find EraCloud in the AWS Marketplace,” adds Persen.

Since opening its doors in 2019, Era Software has been impacting how businesses handle observability data management. Understanding that observability data formats are highly varied, the company has also built a storage engine to handle whatever structure a client requires. The company enables organizations to log everything affordably with fast ingest and querying performance, and superior compression from underlying EraDB object storage-based architecture. “We are investing in  eliminating the engineering toil associated with managing ingest delays, backpressure, and queuing while helping IT teams have observability data that is immediately available for querying at scale. We are continuing to grow and innovate for our customers,” concludes Persen.

Era Software

Todd Persen, Founder and CEO


“Our vision for EraCloud is to provide your organization with a one-stop solution for all logging needs without operational complexity. We aim to relieve IT teams of operational burden and to empower them to focus on contributing to their core business.”