Ascendsys: Total customer satisfaction guaranteed

Mohamed Shihab, CEO: Ascendsys

The success IoT enjoyed in recent years is partly due to the fact it was initially touted as a hyper-secure network that was suitable for storing and transmitting confidential datasets. Well, the recent developments prove otherwise, and slowly the excitement is moving towards fear. IBM reported that criminal IoT compromises have exploded by 600% this year as hackers became ever-savvier. As the modern organization ranging from Government institutions to retailers to software companies all depend up on data for a smooth running of businesses, protecting the data has become their number one concern. Businesses are in look out for solution-providers who can effectively guard them against such attacks. ASCENDSYS, a Malaysia-based company does exactly that by combining IoT functions with their Managed Security Services (MSS)

ASCENDSYS initially started as a Systems Integrator delivering various data center and network solutions to large Enterprises. By 2007 they have identified the need for robust security solutions in the market and added Managed Security Services (MSS) to their portfolio. MSS delivers reliable and cost-effective ICT security solutions, shielding clients from security threats 24/7. MSS is divided into two parts -Security Management Server (SMC) and Security Operation Centre (SOC). SOC, staffed by security experts monitors security threats and act as an interaction center for clients while SMC is the backend brain of SOC, where the entire infrastructure resides. MSS has been an enormous success and an integral part of the company from its introduction and has been adopted by many international and Malaysian businesses.

At the core of MSS portfolio is three world class products that the company developed in house partnering with some of the leading technology companies.

ASCENDSYS Secure Engine Technology (ASET): It’s plugged into the market as a web-based ticketing system for computer security incident response team. It is designed on the based on ITSM (IT Service Management) concepts within the ITIL v3 (IT Infrastructure Library) framework. ASET system provides an entirely secure platform to manage all aspects of incident ticketing.

ASCENDSYS Security Incident Portal (ASIP) is the section that connects the company with its customers. It’s used to present the security advisories and vulnerability updates partnered with incident status to the end users. The data is collected from various sources in correlation with multiple vendors to ensure the credibility. The heart of ASIP is built on leading-edge technologies in event analysis, ticketing, and reporting.

ASCENDSYS Threat Analysis Network (ATAN): As the name suggests, ATAN’s job is to alert the client as soon as it detects any malignant activity in client’s network. ATAN’s proactive approach and vigilante nature protect the client as it provides time for the user to steer clear of the impending threat. ATAN manages to do it with the help of a farm of sensors deployed in the network. The sensors work in a ‘stealth mode’ and get activated only when an abnormal activity detected.

On top of these 3 solutions, ASCENDSYS also provides various other ICT solutions and consulting services which businesses to detect and close their security gaps and maximize enterprise protection.

“What sets us apart from others is our passion to ‘Achieve total customer satisfaction’-we strive to ensure that the goal is always met for every project that we undertake,” says Datuk Mohamed Shihab bin Dato’ Kunhi Mohamed, CEO of ASCENDSYS. In one  incident, a well-known manufacturing company was brought down by a cyber-attack. Nearly 30% of the company servers were brought down. Despite several attempts by the company’s IT experts, they were not able to bring the servers back. ASCENDSYS was bought in to reverse the damage. ASCENDSYS team carried out audits, isolated the root cause, and brought the servers back to life.

With nearly three decades of service and an enviable clientele including large conglomerate, leading telecommunication provider, Financial institutions, Federal Government of Malaysia and state governments ASCENDSYS aims to be the leading IoT Company that offers customized services with the ability to be seamlessly incorporated into any IoT environment. And from what we can see there is no stopping in that…!!