As the demand for more efficient and sustainable buildings rises, so too does the need for advanced technology designed to meet the challenge. PassiveLogic is a revolutionary building automation platform that is transforming the way building designs are created and managed. This innovative technology is designed to provide optimal building performance with minimal effort from the user, allowing for more efficient and environmentally-friendly structures.
PassiveLogic is an advanced automation technology company, founded in 2016. The company has developed a revolutionary system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to create automated, self-learning systems for commercial buildings, homes, and industrial applications. PassiveLogic is committed to providing the most advanced and efficient building automation solutions available. Their revolutionary technology offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges posed by energy efficiency, comfort, and safety in buildings. The PassiveLogic system is designed to optimize energy use while ensuring occupant comfort and safety.
The company’s CEO, Troy Harvey, is a seasoned entrepreneur with extensive experience in the automation industry. He has spent his career developing and marketing products that improve the quality of our lives and is passionate about advancing the use of automation technology. “PassiveLogic is transforming the way people interact with their environment,” says Harvey. “Our technology is designed to make buildings smarter and more efficient while delivering a better quality of life. We believe intelligent automation is the key to energy efficiency and comfort in the built environment.”
The PassiveLogic system is built on a platform of open-source hardware, software, and cloud-based services. The system is designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing customers to customize the system to meet their needs. The system is also designed to integrate with existing building systems and equipment, creating a unified and intelligent automation solution. The system is capable of synthesizing data from multiple sources, such as energy metering, weather forecasts, and occupancy sensors. This allows the system to make predictions about future energy use and provide real-time alerts and recommendations for optimizing energy efficiency.
The PassiveLogic system is built to be secure and reliable, ensuring that customer data is protected from unauthorized access. The system is also designed to be easy to install and use, with a straightforward user interface and intuitive controls. In addition to offering its products, PassiveLogic also provides a range of services to its customers, such as systems integration, design, and installation. The company also offers various support services, including technical support, training, and maintenance.
PassiveLogic’s platform is designed to bridge the gap between physical infrastructure and the cloud. The platform allows users to control and monitor physical infrastructure remotely, using the cloud to store data and manage the automation process. This makes it easier to manage and update systems, while also providing real-time insights into system performance. PassiveLogic’s platform is designed to be secure, reliable, and scalable. It uses advanced encryption to protect user data while providing real-time monitoring to ensure that systems are running smoothly. The platform is also highly scalable, allowing users to add or remove devices as their needs change.
PassiveLogic is making automation simpler, more efficient, and more secure than ever before. With its groundbreaking technology and commitment to customer service, PassiveLogic is unlocking the potential of automation and transforming the way we think about the future. “At PassiveLogic, we believe in creating a better future through intelligent automation,” says Harvey. “We are committed to providing the most advanced and efficient automation solutions while ensuring that our customers get the best possible experience.”