Monday, March 10, 2025

Inclusion of Disability – Artificial Intelligence for All

AI is often misunderstood as a replacement for human touch or human resources in a process system but it is a refined and trained action management system. It might be a shocking revelation for a good fraction of users of high-end technology lovers but AI is merely a well-trained copying machine with a capacity to change itself when detected an anomaly if already assigned an action to manage that anomaly. It is hard to find a true definition of AI because it is quite different from how we all manage tasks and actions but we can use it to define a new method of telecommunication to bring the world closer to each other.

There are many species of mammals in the world but we humans have one thing that differs our logical interpretation of the world from the rest of the organisms – listening and conversing in a language, yet we create confusion by speaking out our heart and don’t try to understand anyone else who doesn’t lie in a box defined by regional boundaries. But AI and modern technology can solve this problem – a global communication system and for this article, we will call it “Paz”. Paz can be a system that will change the telecommunication industry for once and all, it can how we communicate with each other. Imagine a situation, you have a team in Mexico and one in Italy, one speaks native Spanish and the other native Italian. The biggest problem in the organization – both teams can’t communicate with each other but they are the best in their jobs. Now as a business, you have to let go of one team or find interpreters to make this communication gap disappear by a delta. But now imagine a system – where they can communicate with each other and understand each other in real-time. Let us make this equation more interesting – there is a set of deaf and mute people in one team and the other team has blind members, how can we make them communicate better?

There will be multiple questions at this point –

  1. Is there any technology that can solve this problem?
  2. Will it be too costly?
  3. What about data privacy?

Let me try to answer in technical terms. Yes, we can build that technology and it doesn’t exist yet or I am not aware of it if it does. We can train multiple neural networks to learn different sign languages based on input words and gestures captured through videos and we can create an input-output system, that will take any audio sound as input like Siri or Alexa and on project gestures (e.g. ASL) for deaf and mute on smart goggles and sound back to blinds based on different gestures.

We as a business need to think more about the inclusion of people with disability and as innovators stop this differentiation just because of physical disability and make sure that we can change life with AI if we put our minds to change the way we have thought to date.

Someone told me ages ago, it doesn’t matter how many years of experience you have, what matters is how much experience you have in a year. And we cannot let intelligent and more capable people just sit out on a pool of resources.

Is technology exist? Yes, in bits and pieces, we need to make sure that fix this problem and bring those pieces together to make it work.

Will it be too costly? – Not if we use language translation as a feature so that we can mass produce it and sell it across the globe for other purposes such as language translation.

Data Privacy – We can let the user choose what data they want to store and share, WEB 3.0, blockchain, and cryptography, we have highly secure manners to make the user feel and be safe about data sharing rather than just advertising false information about data privacy.

I hope that we have a lot more juice to squeeze out as a human to make life beautiful for everyone by the use of Artificial Intelligence.

