Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Helios Wire is bringing satellite-enabled machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity

Helios Wire is in pursuit of designing and building a space-based Internet of Thing (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) service particularly designed for market application that need low bandwidth and low service costs. The Helios system will aim at both existing and rising IoT and M2M applications including the surveillance and supervision of fixed and mobile assets in the transportation, consumer, logistics, security/public safety, energy, industrial, animal management, and agricultural industries.

Today, there are an estimated 10 billion devices connected to the Internet. The IoT is predicted to connect an additional 24 billion devices by 2020 outstripping the phones, tablets and conventional computing devices combined. In addition, a projected $6 trillion will be spent on IoT solutions over the next 5 years.

The IoT is often considered to be expensive, complicated and only for large interational companies, conglomerates and governments. By using an allocation of priority mobile satellite system (MSS) S-band spectrum and a 2-way global satellite-enabled system for ultra-low cost short burst data services covering connected assets Helios aims to even up IoT and make it available to everyone.

“Although we’ve all heard of the Internet of Things and may even have a connected device or two in our homes, it is often thought of as a service that is used by large, multinational companies and is technically difficult,” commented Scott Larson, CEO and Co-Founder of Helios. “What we are doing is taking that connectivity and presenting it as a service and set of applications that can be used by anyone, even smaller business or everyday consumers. The next step will be taking all of that data and facilitating actionable insights based using that information.”

Customers require low-bandwidth IoT connectivity and easy to use with a focus on data-analytics and actionable insights in industries such as agriculture, oil and gas, utilities and remote asset surveillance. Through the IoT, this service will also enable individuals to track and monitor things day to day. 

At its crux, Helios is a vertically integrated satellite-enabled surveillance and messaging service that will track and allow communication with up to 5 billion transmittere through 30MHz of S-band spectrum that can be mounted on remote assets, trucks, agriculture equipment, oil and gas pipelines, fleets, boats, industrial applications, wildlife, or virtually any other asset. The M2M communication corner stone will open after the launch of a constellation of non-geostationary small satellite.
