Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CTSI-Global: Enabling Optimised Shipments

Today’s companies are using data analysis to optimise every facet of their organization to increase profits and return on investment (ROI). One of the major areas causing companies to lose a percentage of their profit is when facing obstacles throughout the supply chain from inefficient freight bill processing and high shipping costs due to the lack of shipment visibility. Realizing the dire need of the supply chain industry is CTSI-Global, which offers an integrated platform to manage all the transactions associated with shipping. CTSI Global has created an end-to-end Transportation Management System (TMS)—an array of integrated applications that can be designed to meet a client’s logistics needs.

CTSI Global caters to the numerous needs of the supply chain industry extending from freight auditing to transportation management. Their platform structured as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based Transportation Management System (TMS) enables shippers to manage their entire transportation process right from strategic planning and optimization, freight consolidation, to freight audit and payment. TMS reduces transportation costs through a mix of process enforcement, analytics and optimization that cannot be achieved manually.

TMS is a web based, on-demand system that allows the shipping companies to access transportation data and increase their supply chain efficiency by taking informed strategic decisions. The data is presented to the customers in a way that allows them to “manage by exception” through the unique workflow and business logic layers of the platform. The platform also manages bill requirements that are based on unique data set and requirements. Additionally, the solution enables clients in contract management, data capture, audit and analysis, cost allocation, exception management, payment processing. Their platform statistically analyses the quality of data on freight bills and ancillary documents, even if the data is in the form of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), EDIFACT, paper spreadsheet, flat file, and Online Data Entry (ODE).

CTSI-Global’s Freight Audit and Payment software is also useful to customers with compliance as well as manage rates and to track agents. The software identifies the carrier, the client, and verifies the data by cross referring to Bill of Lading (BOL) and other files specific to the customers. It also applies a complete General Ledger Code allocation and audits the bill. While auditing, the solution assesses the authenticity of the shipment to avoid unauthorized shipment, duplicate billing, and late deliveries.

The firm’s tools breaks down trends, compare options across customers’ network and optimise data to highlight improvement opportunities. They also provide benchmark and comparison analysis to ensure that customers get the best service with the lowest rate possible. The platform assures that data is securely stored for advanced and intelligent reporting. In addition their extensive freight audits and payment process makes them a flexible versatile partner ensuring a leverage across economies of various scales.

CTSI’s solutions has helped firms like Technicolour (A leading manufacturer and distributer of DVD’s and CD’s ) to detect possible delivery delays and take steps to ensure on-time delivery .  In addition to providing in-transit tracking visibility, the system gives Technicolor the ability to extend tracking, which includes pre- and post-shipment activity. The firm helps client American Electric Power (AEP) to analyse shipping patterns, lanes, carrier compliance, and cost-savings opportunities. CTSI-Global helped Molex, one of the world’s largest electronics manufacturers, to streamline their freight audit and payment process

CTSI is moving ahead to forge itself as the world’s foremost provider of transportation system optimisation solutions.
